Jord Watches


I was delighted to start 2017 off by receiving this beautiful, unique, watch from JORD. JORD aims to set themselves apart from other watches with their unique wooden pieces and they certainly achieve that goal in the best way possible.

From the moment I received my package in the mail I was excited to see the piece in person and JORD did not disappoint. Every experience begins with a visual cue for me. If I’m eating a nice meal, I’m looking at the plating. If I’m drinking a latte, I’m looking to see a latte art design on my coffee. The same goes for jewelry where I truly appreciate packaging. With JORD, I must say that I absolutely loved the packaging. A very sleek, high quality box, houses the watch itself and the elegance of the packaging is perfectly matched to that of the watch itself. Putting the JORD watch on was simple and it wears very comfortably. I chose the Zebra & Champagne color because I knew exactly what I wanted to wear with it – a cozy sweater and some boots. When I put them all together, all I could think was “WOW” the Champagne paired beautifully with the watch body and outfit that I choose! I always look for the perfect unique piece of jewelry to wear with all of my winter attire and my JORD watch is just that!

In the end, this is certainly one of the more unique and elegant accessories that I own and that itself says quite a bit. Something tells me that JORD has a very bright future and I highly suggest taking a look at one for yourself.

Details below on how to win a $100-gift code to JORD!

Watches Made From Wood

Shop Women’s Watches HERE

Shop Men’s Watches HERE

Shop My Watch HERE

One lucky winner will get  a $100 e- gift code to Jord follow the link below!  All other entrants will receive a $25 consolation e-gift code at the close of contest

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