Houston OOTD

Last week I was invited by Style Haul to attend an event at a boutique called The Beehive located in Houston. StyleHaul organized this event for the Houston StyleHaul family to meet and mingle. The Beehive boutique is absolutely adorable filled with trendy and affordable pieces. The 2.5 hour drive was well worth it as it was an awesome opportunity to chat with other bloggers and influencersΒ  who share the same passions as well as meet some of the StyleHaul team.

Of course the dreaded “What am I going to wear” went through my head! I knew I wanted to stay casual while still looking stylish and put together. I decided to wear my grey booties from last spring, paired with my new vintage button up jeans and my newest favorite top from Top Shop. When I originally purchased the grey booties I thought I would get a lot of use out of them. To be honest the only time I wore them was for a blog postΒ I collaborated on with Tobi. So when I purchased this blouse I was so excited to finally wear my booties again. I plan to take this top with me on my trip to San Diego though style it differently.


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