Hi, I’m Amber! My love for fashion dates back to my elementary school days when I used to wear my mom’s oversized shirts to keep up with the latest adult trends. As a child, I enjoyed getting lost in the mall and experimenting with different outfit combinations. Little did I know that this interest would turn into a career years later.
While my love for fashion grew, I was simultaneously engaged in a frustrating battle with my skin as I was plagued by cystic acne. Ultimately, I was able to win the battle and during the process, I spent so much time performing research or going through trials and errors that I fell in love with understanding everything about skincare and dermatology.Β
What started as a hobby, TURNED INTO A CAREER
In 2012, I began a blog focused on my passion for makeup. However, as my life evolved, so did my blog. I started to share more about my love for fashion and skincare. Although I have always been interested in fashion, I discovered that I could turn my passion into work by sharing my experiences and knowledge. As my obsession with skincare continued to grow, I realized that I could use my platform to assist other women who were facing similar struggles. By sharing my personal experiences and passions on my blog, I aspire to help others boost their self-confidence through fashion and skincare, just as it has helped me.
More about AMBER