
What the heck is Strobing??
When I initially heard of this new overly complicated sounding trend the colors of the rainbow and a strobe light came to mind. Luckily it’s neither! It’s just the same ol’ highlighting we have always done! It’s been called the “Lazy girls answer to contouring”, and can easily be dubbed “The New Way to Contour”. I don’t always have the time to sit down and carve out every line in my face, I mean, does anyone? Strobing will help highlight all of those areas on your face that you want to stand out, without having to add all of the darker tones that you have to apply when contouring, and still save yourself a little bit of time.
Why Highlight?
Highlighting is one of the easiest ways to add that glow that we all know and love, and leave your face looking healthy and brighter! Highlighting has easily become my favorite part of applying my makeup and really is the icing on the cake! If it were acceptable I’d put on wings, call myself the highlighting fairy and fly around applying highlighter to all not wearing it. Highlighter, in my opinion, should never be skipped. Well that and applying mascara on your bottom lashes lol! With that being said I thought I’d share my favorite highlighters both drug store and high end that I use to highlight or “strobe” lol
From Left to right-
Hard Candy So Baked Bronzer Tiki
Physicians Formula Powder Palette Mineral Glow Pearls Beige Pearl
From left to right-
Mac Cosmetics Mineralize Skin Finish Cheeky Bronze The color I have is Perfect Topping, sadly it was limited edition, but I shared the link that I also have and is closest in color
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfecting Press Opal
Where to Highlight?
There are some skin types that have to rely on a little bit of “trial and error” when it comes to highlighting, as some areas on different skin types may notice clumping of the product. Some of you may be reading this and wondering what the heck I’m talking about but trust me, it’s a thing! If this is you then I’m telling you, THERE MAY BE HOPE! First off you’re going to want to try different products and different types of highlighter, whether they be name brand, knock off, liquid, or even powder. The second thing you want to keep in mind is some products may need to use a lighter hand when applying, and in some cases less is more. The third, final, and most important step is always remember to… Blend! Blend! Blend! Proper blending could make or break most of the ways that your makeup turns out, and highlighting is no different!
I think a lot of us have been strobing all along, or quite possibly as long as we’ve been wearing makeup, now it’s become so popular it’s been given its own name. Being called out on not contouring sucks… but now I can follow up with, “I’m Strobing!”
April 15, 2016Love this one!! I’ve actually tried the Physicians formula powder and love love it!