I was recently invited to Serenity Creek by Dr. Sholar to try the famous Forma treatment, the same one featured on the Dr. Oz show. The Forma was designed to tighten skin but has also been reported to have multiple other benefits. Personally, this is something that I’ve been looking forward to for quite a while as I’m definitely interested in firming up my skin and increasing my collagen production but I’m not quite at the point where I would consider a face lift or any sort of invasive procedure. I prefer to find something that can help boost my body’s natural abilities and stimulate or assist me as opposed to something that just cuts right in and makes the change through an invasive procedure. With that said, you can imagine how exciting it is to learn about all of these wonderful new lasers and radio frequency technologies that are, comparatively, gentle and non-invasive. I should also add that having put my acne and hyperpigmentation issues in the rear view mirror ( See my other post ) has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders and allowed me to shift my focus from correcting a ridiculously frustrating problem to actually making improvements!
That the Forma is also recommended by Dr. Sholar goes a very long way for me and further generates excitement on my end given that her guidance and work is what helped me win the war against my evil, unrelenting acne issues!
*Note: Dr. Sholar is the owner and head of Sage & SweetGrass Spa but also spends time at Serenity Creek.
What is Forma?
Forma is radio-frequency technology to that is designed to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin with the goal being for the Radio-frequency energy to stimulate the formation of new collagen and improve skin elasticity for long-lasting improvement. Technical jargon aside, its a machine that fires energy into your skin which makes it contract, firm up and produce collagen.
How Forma is Performed
Simply put, you get comfortable, lay down and the person performing the procedure (in my case I am fortunate to have Robin who I’ve mentioned in other posts) will apply a contact gel, used to conduct energy, then glide the forma wand (pictured below) across your skin ensuring complete coverage. At this point in time the person performing the procedure will be watching closely to see your reaction, monitoring the Forma feedback system etc.
After 1 Treatment
Not only is the treatment a non-invasive option, there’s also very little down time. I say “very little” since some people may leave with slight redness and prefer to stay in doors whereas others will be back to their day without skipping a beat. I, personally, experienced no redness, mild irritation or any other post-procedure symptom. Robin observed me closely throughout the procedure to ensure that everything went perfectly – and it did. In fact, I left Serenity Creek and went straight out for Happy Hour feeling quite happy with my glowing skin.
Once I got through the door and settled in at home, I observed that my skin was brighter, smoother, more plump and of course slightly more firm! For those of you who saw my snapchats from that day and the next, you likely got a look at one of my millions of snaps where I showed off my results and gushed over how happy / impressed I was. For the record, I’m still glowing about it!

My Thoughts?
Uh, well, if the last few sentences from the preceding paragraph haven’t already given it away then I’ll sum it up. I loved the Forma! We’ve talked about some of my results so let me add a few more little details. First off, I found the heating sensation against my skin to be relaxing. I know that heat increases blood flow and is a technique used in for muscle relaxation. Well, there’s muscles in your face and I tend to find that relaxing them really helps me zone out and feel at peace. I actually rotate hot and cold when I have headaches so this was a very nice sensation (see the photo below where I’m half asleep LOL). Second, it defined the term “non-invasive”. “Non-invasive” has come to mean that there’s no surgery required but often times a procedure can be very uncomfortable or yield a considerable amount of downtime even though its “non-invasive”. In this case, I walked in, laid down, had a relaxing procedure then went home. If you didn’t know any better you’d think I were talking about a massage. Now, again, this may vary from person to person but you get the idea – its a cakewalk as far as treatments go.
Will I Do It Again?
This is the big one. I often read reviews on various products where people go on and on about various details of their experience but then they’re a bit wishy-washy about when or if they’ll do it again. To me, the ultimate statement is repeating something. Whether you’re returning to a restaurant, a vacation destination, watching another episode of a TV show – whatever it is, you’re coming back for more and I think everything else is just talk. When you come back for more and invest your time and / or money, into something that says it all.
This is 100% something that I want to do again and will do again. In fact, I’m going one step further and giving this treatment the ultimate compliment, I’m referring my own Mother and recommending she get it done. That’s the top of the top by the way. When you not only do it again yourself but refer others, the compliment doesn’t get any bigger. I’m really anxious to continue coordinating with Dr. Sholar and working on my skin. I can’t tell you how exciting this all is. The timing has worked out so perfectly to where I’ve turned the corner on my acne issues and now my skin is like a blank canvas (yes, I intentionally said blank canvas. Meaning no stupid red bumps or blackheads!). Its time for me to work on taking this blank canvas and turning it into a masterpiece and with treatments like the Forma and Dr. Sholar’s guidance, I can’t wait to show all of you my progress! To those considering the treatment, this one is at the top of my list.
Visit Serenity Creek to make you appointment with Dr. Sholar and her amazing staff.
Follow Dr. Sholar and Robin on Instagram
I hope you all enjoyed reading about my experience. I will be purchasing an entire package so stay tuned to see my full results!