Healthy Hair Care Routine + Video


As fanatical about my hair as I am, I can’t believe that this is my first hair care routine post. To be fair, I wasn’t always into hair products until I damaged my hair. To give you a bit of a back story, I had black, long, healthy and strong hair for 10 years. Two years ago, I decided to go straight blonde! I’m not sure what I was thinking but needless to say I regretted it as I did some serious damage to my hair. It was dry, breaking off and seriously brittle. I am now obsessed with using only the best hair products to get my hair back to it’s healthy state. My hair has come quite a long way and in this post I am sharing all of the products that have lead me to this point. If you are someone looking for the best products to use then this is your guide!

Aveda Damage Remedy

This deep conditioner is the real deal! When I poured it into my hand I loved the rich, thick consistency. I knew before I put it in my hair I was going to love it. If you have dry and damaged hair then you need a product like this in your life. After just one use of this conditioner I could instantly see the effect it had on my dry hair. After the shower my hair slid through my comb effortlessly, my hair was softer and felt so conditioned. I can tell you that this conditioner played a huge roll in my hairs come back! Even though my hair is no longer “damaged” I continue to use it and love it every time!

Furterer Lissea

Β Sample ofΒ Β Furterer Lissea were given to me by the hair dresser who gave me the gorgeous blonde hair. She swore by this brand and especially the leave in conditioner. Its important to note that before using this product I didn’t believe in leave- in- conditioners. I thought it was a giant scam though I also had incredibly healthy hair so what did I know. Turns out they do play a major role in conditioning the hair. It made sense, I needed a deep conditioning mask every 2 or 3 washes, plus a light conditioner for detangling every wash so why not use a conditioner that is always working? Once I gave this a go I realized what I was missing. The minute I put it in my hair I felt it glide through and loved the softness I instantly felt.Β  Once my hair was dried I couldn’t believe how shiny and healthy my hair looked and felt. I realized just how much I loved Furterer Lissea on the day I forgot to wear it. My hair didn’t quite have as much shine and lustre. I’m obsessed with this leave- in- conditioner and will be using it forever or until I find a better one …which is probably never.

Kerastase Elixir Ultime

Β Gosh, I cant say enough about the Kerastase Elixir Ultime. I think I’ve mentioned this oil in 3 or 4 in my Favorites YouTube videos. This oil saved me from shaving off my entire head! I am someone who runs their fingers through their hair often so to feel the dryness of my hair would make me cringe. This oil is an instant mega shine! It seriously makes your hair look and feel instantly shiny. Though its just like putting a band aid on a wound as it doesn’t provide your hair with the ingredients it needs to nurture your hair back to health but it gave me the temporary shine and softness that I needed.

Β Aveda Brilliant Damage Control-

If we are trying to do damage control on our dry and brittle hair then the last thing we want to do is apply heat.Β  I don’t know about you but not giving myself an awesome blow out followed by some waves isn’t an option….Que the heat protectant! Yet another product I was iffy about but if it’s one person I trust with my hair it’s my hair stylist. Eli mentioned adding the Aveda Brilliant Damage Control to my hair before applying any heat and I am so glad I took his advice. I recently went in for a trim and he was shocked as I didn’t need one. After 4 months of not having a trim I was quite impressed. The only new thing I had added since my last visit was this Brilliant Damage Control


I love testing out new products so should I change up my hair routine I’ll make sure to keep you posted. Will you be trying any of the products I mentioned? What are some of your favorite hair products? If you’re interested in hearing more about these products see my video below where I mention these products plus some:)



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