My Skin pen Experience

Hey Everyone! I am finally sharing my SkinPen experience with you. This post took a little longer than expected as I wanted to make sure I cover my entire skin history in order to properly review the SkinPen. I recently collaborated with  Sage & Sweetgrass Medical Spa  in Lakeway, TX where I received multiple skin treatments by Robin Ashley. Today I am going to share the main one I believe is responsible for my skin transformation, the SkinPen. I had a total of 4 treatments, each spaced 4 weeks apart, with peels and facials in between. In this post I’d like to tell you all about my experience while explaining what it is, how it works, how my procedure went and of course, my results.

My Skin History

As you may or may not know, I’ve spent several years battling cystic acnepitted acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. What’s interesting though is the story behind how my skin issues started and that’s what I’d like to tell you a little bit about here.

About 10 years ago I woke up to a forehead full of pimples. I initially assumed that it was a temporary breakout as getting pimples was abnormal for me. After a week passed, my cheeks began β€œbreaking out” as well. I immediately thought it was some sort of rash that was spreading, it had to be right? So I made an appointment with my dermatologist. He quickly prescribed me a course of antibiotics and provided me with a topical cream. I felt relieved and believed that it was just a rash that got infected. I hurried home and began diligently adhering to my treatment, while doing everything I could to help the situation such as staying out of the sun, avoiding any sort of skin irritation and remaining hydrated. Unfortunately, the treatment not only failed to work but it left me with extremely dry, irritated and itchy skin. Great! I now had a flaky, itchy face full of acne. I felt lost. These things aren’t supposed to suddenly happen in your early 20’s are right? Wrong! I was devastated. I felt miserable and embarrassed but refused to accept it. It just didn’t make sense to me.

I started receiving treatments at local spa’s and dermatologist offices (which cost me a ridiculous amount of money) where I tried expensive lasers, peels and facials. Now I shouldn’t say that these had no effect since they did a really good job of cleaning me out for all of my disposable income but in terms of my skin, the results were mild and temporary. I couldn’t keep it up and decided to try focusing on managing the issue or hiding for a year or two while holding out hope for advances in treatment options.  I figure that I had already lost my skin, no point in having my mind follow suit. Fast forward to 3 years ago and I was ready to start this mission all over again as new lasers and treatments were hitting the market. I decided to alternate between the at home derma roller and gylcolic peels. After some time that actually helped my skin along a little bit. The combination of those two treatments, paired with a gallon of water a day and clean healthy foods put me in a much better place with my skin and gave me a feeling of renewed hope. My skin was no where near my β€œold ” skin I had before this acne even started but it was a legitimate step forward in a battle that I had been losing miserably for years. I began taking a closer look at my skin, dreaming about how I was going to continue making strides until I was back to where I wanted to be! My goal was finally within reach and as I smiled looking into the mirror I noticed something. What did I noticed? Lines on my forehead! AGH! I could see some fine lines, a little bit of collagen loss. I knew it was nothing to be unexpected but the timing couldn’t have been worse. I felt like I had finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel only to get yanked back and confronted with an entirely new issue. Did I have to notice this on the same day where I was finally admiring some progress on the acne and pitted scar front? Oh well, life had left a new bag of lemons on my doorstep and it was time to figure out a new lemonade recipe. I did my research and decided to incorporate Botox and Juvederm into my beauty regimen. That definitely helped a little bit but I was still searching for a real solution to my issues that could get me to a place where I could feel comfortable with my skin.

That’s when I began exploring options. I looked around and read quite a bit online until one day, I spoke with a best friend about a visit she was planning to Austin. She was flying here to see  Dr. Alina Sholar who I had met through her in the past. Dr. Sholar had done work for my friend several years back and it was such a good experience that here was my friend flying Nashville to Austin specifically to be treated by Dr. Sholar. She must have flown over 1,000 different practitioners on the way here but that was her choice. That in and of itself is quite the endorsement! Being into all things beauty (as well as food and fashion!), I decided to go tag along. While there, I spoke with Dr. Sholar and that’s when she recommended the SkinPen I’ll be brutally honest here in saying that I was skeptical. I thought ok, another β€œskin pen” and another ridiculous skin care regiment that I’ll need to follow for the next 900 years at a cost of 5 million dollars per month…here we go. Not to sound jaded or anything but I’d heard it before and felt like any product being sold at a clinic must either be owned or affiliated with the clinic itself. Could you blame me? I’d played this game for years upon years. However, this was someone I’d been introduced to by a friend who I trust with my life and had known for a little while so that was enough for me to want to try it out. Besides, Dr. Sholar had done great work for her as well as some other people I knew through friends, so hopefully I would be the next beneficiary of her expertise.

What Is The SkinPen?

I’ll use some professional terms then do my best to give you my own take on how it works. The SkinPen is a, non-surgical, medical device used for procedures that aim to repair the skin and improve it’s appearance. It is also often referred to as a micro-needling device. In short, a SkinPen is moved across your skin, by a trained professional, creating a large amount of micro punctures in the skin. As a response to the micro punctures, your body begins focusing on healing and repairing the areas which have received these micro punctures. How this helps improve your skin condition is through the overkill performed by your body. In other words, your body goes overboard and not only heals the area but nourishes it in such a way that it improves. Think of it as a quick and effective weight lifting routine for your skin. We all know that when people lift weights or workout, there is micro damage to their muscle tissue. In response, the body not only heals the muscles over a short period of time, it also grows the muscles. It’s the same with your skin, your body sees the micro punctures as an attack and seeks to not only heal, but take it steps further. This is how you end up with healthier skin than when you first start (just like muscles before and after a workout).

Robin is applying the numbing cream where it will sit for 30 minutes.
I was in the middle of receiving the treatment which obviously isn’t too painful if I am able to snap some pictures.

Who Is A Skin Pen Candidate?

Simply put, the SkinPen is great for all skin types as well as skin colors. Those wanting to rejuvenate their skin, diminish acne scars as well as fight the signs of aging will benefit.

Arriving For My Treatment

Entering Sage & Sweetgrass Medical Spa, the first thing I noticed was the decor which I found to be very modern and luxe but at the same time comfortable and inviting. As I walked in I was very relieved that only Robin was sitting at the front desk. I know that may sound strange but I’ve been to other spas in the Austin area where there were multiple people swirling around the front desk area and that’s always been a bit unnerving for me.  I need to mention that when I arrived, my skin was near an all time low. It was very textured and I had multiple areas covered in cystic acne. As I arrived for my first of four treatments, Robin greeted me then proceeded to give me a run down of what exactly the Skin Pen was and what to expect. I already had a good feeling about this procedure as I have never had anyone take the time to fill me in on what to expect. After numbing me for 30 minutes we began. The Skin Pen Is an actual looking pen that vibrates pretty loudly. The Skin Pen procedure is not painful at all but does tickle around the nose. I was actually hysterically laughing from the tickling. Laughing while receiving a skin treatment has never happened so that was nice change. The entire procedure lasted about 20- 30 min. Leaving Sage & Sweetgrass Medical Spa I had the best feeling. Not only was I confident about the treatment journey I was about to begin but also about trusting Robin. Not only does she have absolutely beautiful skin herself, and is gorgeous but she was incredibly attentive, informative, and as sweet as can be.

Post Treatment

When I left Sage & Sweetgrass Medical Spa I was very red similar to a sunburn. For that entire day it ever so lightly burned but nothing that left me feeling inconvenienced or needing to reach for a pain reliever. Actually, other than looking in the mirror I would forget I had anything done at all.  Exercising or any sweating is definitely not recommended nor is wearing makeup. I have to say the red and dry skin was worth it after noticing that after just one skin pen treatment I had instantly noticed my skin was more plump. I especially noticed it around the nasal labial folds which excited me as that area is where I notice the most collagen loss. By the second day the redness had reduced by 50% and able to be covered by a light foundation or CC cream. I also experienced very dry skin, which is to be expected.  By the third day you could hardly tell I had anything done at all though still pretty dry. When I woke up on the 5th day I was so happy to see brighter, smoother skin. By the 10th day I was able to see dramatic results. Robin told me I would continue to see results in the following weeks which was absolutely true. My skin was noticeably brighter, smoother, and my hyperpigmentation had faded. I ran out of the bathroom to show my husband. I knew this procedure was THE one.

This is 30 minutes after my 3rd SkinPen treatment. Definitely comparable to a sunburn. I promise it looks a lot worse than it felt.

Post SkinPen Care

After having my treatment completed, Robin sent me home with the SkinFuse Post- Procedure Kit, which consists of carefully selected products which strongly compliment the procedure itself. This skin care treatment kit was actually created by the makers of the SkinPen itself and is extremely important if wanting to achieve the best possible results. If I had to explain the importance in my own words, I would compare it to the importance of pairing the proper nutrition with exercise when wanting to receive the best possible results for your body. We all know that exercising and not eating healthy simply won’t get you results for your body and much in the same fashion, the SkinFuse Post- Procedure Kit is necessary nutrition for your skin.

Not only is Skin Fusion a quality product but I was also impressed by the sleek packaging.

My Results

First, let’s talk about texture. After the treatment, I can feel far less texture on my skin and it is also visibly smoother. I even performed what I consider to be a true test by putting on foundation as I’ve always felt that wearing face makeup has a tendency of highlighting all of my imperfections so I can’t begin to express how I felt I when I looked in the mirror to see smooth skin under all of the heavy foundation I had just applied. At that moment I realized it was time to purchase a lightweight foundation which is something I never thought I would be lucky enough to ever do. Seriously, I’ve always thought that as I get older I would be getting heavier foundation to cover up more, not the other way around. In terms of tone, I have what I can only describe as a β€œnatural glow” which I’m able to achieve without wearing highlighter or any other products. To add to all of my skin transformation I barely have any hyperpigmentation. Unbelievable.

Lastly, my acne is dead. Yes, I could have said its gone but I prefer the term dead since its personal. Getting rid of my acne feels like I’ve killed off some sort of super villain that spent the better part of a decade tormenting me. So goodbye acne, you will not be missed! Now, I have had 1 or 2 pimples here and there but never more than 1 at a time. I consider that to be normal as its a far cry from the plague that lived on my face in the past. Now if killing my acne was a heroic feat then I want to rename this SkinPen the Magic Pen because these 4 treatments provided me with better results than anything I’ve ever tried before. I should also add that all 4 Skinpen treatments cost as much as just one of the other, painful and invasive, treatments I’ve had in the past. I credit my complete Skin Transformation to Robin and Sage & Sweetgrass Medical Spa. Through her 10 years of experience, knowledge and confidence my skin is something I can now be proud of. Robin examined my skin, knew exactly what it needed and customized the perfect skincare treatments along with a new skincare regimen. I will soon be sharing all of the the treatments Robin customized for me as well as the skincare line she and Dr. Sholar introduced me to. If you are in the Austin area I couldn’t recommend Robin and Dr. Sholar enough. Of any hands to put my skin in Robin delivered the results I have for many years searched for. If I could recommend any one procedure for you to spend your hard earned money on it’s without a doubt, hands down the SkinPen.

Before and After: Not only is my skin significantly more clear, and smoother but I am quite impressed by how smooth my forehead is. There is not one ounce of Botox in my forehead.
As you can see my skin is visibly smoother, I have considerably less acne as well as Hyperpigmentation.
I took these photos from videos I was filming for vlogs. Both shot in the car in daylight.
The left side of my face has always had more acne and scarring. This is the smoothest, and brightest I have seen it in years. As the picture tells I have no acne, very little pigmentation and is noticeably smoother.
To be able to wear a light coverage foundation has been a dream. It truly was something I never thought would happen. I no longer have harsh hyperpigmentation to cover up! Also, having even texture is quite the bonus because we all know how foundation can dramatize that.

Sage and Sweetgrass Medical spa is most definitely my spa choice for life! I  can’t wait to share the other wonderful treatments I have I received from Robin.

Make sure to give both of these beauties a follow on social media:

Sage & Sweetgrass’ Instagram| Click Here

Dr Sholar’s Instagram| Click Here

Robin’s Instagram| Click Here

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